Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Youthful Yogis: submission to Yoga Journal

Youthful Yogis

“What is yoga?” was the first question I asked a group of ten teenage students who were enrolled in a year-long program at a therapeutic boarding school in Utah where I taught Experiential Education.

“It’s a type of yogurt,” one student explained to me.

Six weeks later, that same student was not only beginning to deepen his own inner awareness, but he was also able to share his new found yoga knowledge during the final student lead class. This final class gave the students the opportunity to share what they had learned throughout their yoga studies by teaching a section of a yoga class (such as Sun Salutation A) to their peers.

During my six week Experiential Education course that focused on yoga and healthy choices, these “troubled youth” would make comments such as: “I was able to sleep last night for the first time in months” as well as “yoga has helped me with my anxiety” and “this yoga stuff has helped me with my eating disorders and I haven’t thrown up in months”.

I worked with these ten students all day every Friday and Saturday for six weeks and introduced them to different styles of yoga. They had the opportunity to participate in classes around Park City, Utah that ranged from Bikrim (their favorite), to Anusara, to Hatha yoga. The focus of the course was on applying simple yoga principles such as healthy eating habits, relaxation, meditation, and exercise to their everyday lives. We also tried to practice outdoors as much as possible.

Working with these teenagers gave me the idea and inspiration to start my own small business where I focus on the same principles with adult clients. Park City Yoga Adventures gets people outdoors to breathe, allowing nature to be their guide. I lead my clients hiking, rock climbing, and snowshoe trekking with a yoga practice at the close of the adventure. I thank my teenage students for their enthusiasm and inspiration and encourage them to follow their dreams and passions as they grow.

Julia Geisler lives in Park City, Utah

Sister Yoga Hike